The game was subsequently delayed once again well into the next year. It was at this time some publications received early review copies, most criticizing the port's low and inconsistent framerate, long load times between levels, and no online play. Throughout development, the port's release was delayed several times, early stated to be Summer of 2000, then postponed to September, and later to November. This second multiplayer-focused game was planned to include Opposing Force 's deathmatch and Capture the Flag modes (potentially along with the full singleplayer campaign as a bonus), Team Fortress Classic, standard Half-Life deathmatch, a version of Counter-Strike, and one or more of the popular multiplayer mods. A second disc release would have provided the online multiplayer experience utilizing SegaNet. The port was to feature a new, exclusive mission pack called Half-Life: Blue Shift, along with better visuals and effects. It was stated that Captivation would be handling the Dreamcast technology while Gearbox would create all of the new content. Half-Life for Dreamcast was announced by Sierra on Februat the Milia trade show in Cannes, France.